

Charles Kingsley has a lot to answer for. When the VV was seven years old, she joined the town library and The Water Babies was the very first book that she chanced to draw down from the shelves. From  that point on she was obsessed with stories set 'under the water' - so much so that she has now written a novel called Elijah's Mermaid, which is based on a Victorian artist who is obsessed to the point of madness with painting his muse as a mermaid or nymph.

The following lovely images have greatly inspired the story -

A Mermaid by Warehouse

Hylas and the Nymphs by Waterhouse

The Wave by Bouguereau

Nymphs and Satyr by Bouguereau

 Galatea by Louis Dorigny

Water Baby by Herbert James Draper

The Fisherman and the Siren by Leighton

Lamia by Waterhouse

For more gorgeous, watery artwork, see the VV's Mermaids and Nymphs page on Pinterest.


  1. I love this post so much! I am a little obsessed with under the sea too, especially maids of the waves. Excited about your novel! x

  2. Beautiful pictures, I especially like the Waterhouses. Your novel sounds very intriguing.

  3. I was so just about to post this on your facebook page, Kelly-Marie! It's beautiful x

  4. Sorry VV,had problems to log in... So came back just to confess that if there is any "anonymous" comment above, I might be one of them... Apologise
    Great Post!!! Great idea!!! Very exciting!!!

  5. Thank you Kelly-Marie, jtwebster and theatreoffashion - this post was so hard to put up because I have so many pictures I love and mermaids are SUCH an obsession of mine. I always come back to the Waterhouses though...

  6. Hello VV
    Might not worked my first post?!... Grrrr... Sorry again.
    I was only telling you that I just arrived from a trip in Congo and, overthere, the people say that if you let a few drops of milk fall into the water, in the middle of the ocean, away from the river, first it will let spray the little white spots (meeting all the colours indeed), let them dissolve into the salty liquid, and then will attract the "Mamiwata" who, puzzled, will come finally to surface and seduce the stranger sailerman... But better not watch her beauty....
    Brrrrr.... Scary! Isn't it?!...
    Bonne Journée!

  7. The images were phantasmagorical, and I can't wait for the novel--great post. I, too, love mermaid mythology and have written a children's book, entitled The Lost Mermaid~A Shem Creek Moonlight Jamboree. The story sensitizes children to marine life and teaches a social lesson about the danger of judging others by appearance or language. The illustrations were done in watercolor and are also whimsical. Jan DiRuzzo, www.lilythelostmermaid.com

  8. Interesting is the story of the "Nymphs and Satyr" by Bouguereau: the Hoffamn House in New York city and, its owner Mr.Stokes, a kind of a story there too which I didn't know!
    Because of this, some of us might be curious to see that too:http://www.nationalcigarmuseum.com/History_of_Cigars/Censorship.html
    Have a nice day!

  9. Such sensual and lovely mermaids. I'm so happy to hear you've come full circle with your obsession for mermaids and stories in "Elijah's Mermaid". Wonderful.

  10. "As when the morning star, escaped and fled
    From greedy waves, with dewy beams up flies,
    Or as the Queen of Love, new born and bred
    Of the Ocean's fruitful froth, did first arise:
    So vented she her golden locks forth shed
    Round pearls and crystal moist therein which lies:
    But when her eyes upon the knights she cast,
    She start, and feigned her of their sight aghast.

    And her fair locks, that in a knot were tied
    High on her crown, she 'gan at large unfold;
    Which falling long and thick and spreading wide,
    The ivory soft and white mantled in gold:
    Thus her fair skin the dame would clothe and hide,
    And that which hid it no less fair was hold;
    Thus clad in waves and locks, her eyes divine,
    From them ashamed did she turn and twine.

    Withal she smiled and she blushed withal,
    Her blush, her smilings, smiles her blushing graced:
    Over her face her amber tresses fall,
    Whereunder Love himself in ambush placed:
    At last she warbled forth a treble small,
    And with sweet looks her sweet songs interlaced;
    "Oh happy men I that have the grace," quoth she,
    "This bliss, this heaven, this paradise to see."
