

Today is the publication date of Elijah's Mermaid, the VV's second Victorian novel - a story of love and betrayal where nothing is quite what it seems, where the realms of high art and literature mingle with the murky demi-monde.

The VV is offering a personalised, signed hardback copy to the reader who can tell her which of the lovely paintings that made up yesterday's VV post, all of which played some part in inspiring various scenes in the novel, has been printed in the book itself.

Please leave answers in the comments box below. The VV will take all correct answers and select a winner at random over this coming weekend. This competition is open to all.

Meanwhile, for more information on Elijah's Mermaid, please see www.essiefox.com


  1. Happy Publication Day, Essie. Here's to loads of sales. It's a great read and gripped from start to finish.

  2. I've never been so exciting about a publication day and would love a signed copy of this fantastic book! Good luck Essie. It's a fantastic cover too. The painting in Elijah's Mermaid is 'A Mermaid' by John William Waterhouse.

  3. without giving too much away it's A Mermaid by Waterhouse ( or Warehouse as we like to call him ;) )

    loved the Somnambulist Essie, can't wait to read the new one

  4. Oh do enter me, please, I'd love a signed copy. Is it A Mermaid by J W Waterhouse? And I've just seen the link to Mengin's Sappho on the right (thank you!). It's been an obsession of mine for years.

  5. I should love to win this. I believe the painting used is J. W. Waterhouse's 'A Mermaid'. I love Victoriana, the Gothic & mermaids - I could wish for little more.

  6. Hi, I'd love to enter the competition. I think it is A Mermaid, by John William Waterhouse :-)

  7. Congratulations on publication of your new book. I would love a signed copy. I think the answer is A Mermaid by Waterhouse.

  8. Oh my goodness! How exciting. Congrats, Essie. What a beautiful cover. Water Baby by Herbert James Draper is my guess. What an exciting description. I cannot wait to pick up a copy of it! Good luck everyone!

  9. What a beautiful beautiful cover. One that completely draws you in. No one could fail to pick it up off a shelf.

    Congratulations on publication day Essie. Wishing you much success with it.

    I don't know the above answer, but I'm putting A Mermaid, by John William Waterhouse

  10. Like everyone else is saying: A Mermaid by Warehouse, err I mean Waterhouse (Damn You copy and paste!)

    Congratulations on the new book!

  11. I can't go against the flow, so I tossed and tossed around in dreams A Mermaid by John William Waterhouse and stunning too.

    Like the cover of the Somnabulist and this one too. So similar, yet so different. I have to say I love this one. Good luck, Essie.

  12. Looking forward to reading this and I love the cover.Waterhouse- the Mermaid.

  13. Congratulations on publication — wishing you heaps of sales and good reviews! I can't wait to read it and have already downloaded the Kindle version. Perfect for seaside train rides into the city. Would love a physical copy, though. The painting is Waterhouse's haunting 'A Mermaid,' yes?

  14. My answer is; A Mermaid by J W Waterhouse (my favourite Pre-Raphaelite artist).

  15. My answer is; A Mermaid by J W Waterhouse (my favourite Pre-Raphaelite artist).

  16. My answer is; A Mermaid by J W Waterhouse (my favourite Pre-Raphaelite artist).

  17. The competition is now closed - a winner soon to be announced. Please watch this space...

  18. The winner is K.M.Lockwood. Please email me at virtualvictorian@gmail.com with your address, and the message you'd like me to write in the book.



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